Becoming a full time Real Estate Agent can be scary. There is no doubt about it when you are going from a steady full time paycheck or a salary, to a commission based check, you are going to be hesitant. Its worth it though. The income potential is unlimited!
Let me answer a few of your questions before I get into the Benefits:
1) Am I ONLY going to get paid on commission? Yes. Real Estate is a commission based business. You are considered Self Employed. Therefore, at the end of the year you will receive a 1099 instead of a W2. You are responsible for paying your own taxes, social security, etc...
2) Will I have medical insurance as a Realtor? No. You will be considered Self Employed . Medical insurance will be your responsibility to obtain.
3) How much money will I make as an agent? This is such a common question and there is no perfect answer for you. If you are a full time agent, and you are dedicated to making your business work, you will succeed. I don't mean you will succeed a little...if you are will succeed beyond what you could of imagined when you considered taking that leap to become full time.
4) So why would I should I get my license? See below!
Benefits of Self Employment:
*You are able to work any hours of the day that you CHOSE to work! This has been huge for me. I have two little boys that keep me busy on top of my Real Estate Business. I am able to schedule my hours around their baseball games, school activities, field trips, doctor appointments and so much more.
*You are able to work from where ever you please! Have a sniffly nose, kids out of school, ready to head out of town to see some family? No worries! You are able to work from anywhere, your laptop is mobile, your phone is mobile, and if you are working at a place as great as KW you have plenty of agents willing to show a home for you while you are out.
*Your business growth and income are up to you! You have no boss determining your hourly wage or weekly salary. Your income is determined largely by the time you invest in your business.
So those are the obvious benefits of being Self Employed and taking the leap to be a Real Estate Agent. Here are a few of the FUN reasons....
*You can work in your pajamas. This is one of my favorites. I get up in the morning, flip on the computer, make my coffee and respond to my emails from my living room. Its fantastic!
*You meet so many wonderful and diverse people. I was shy when I first started selling real estate. Being a Realtor has pulled me out of my shell. I look forward to meeting new clients, to working with different agents and to hearing the stories of my awesome sellers that are moving on to new portions of life!
*You get to see so many different styles of homes and décor. Its like a giant pinterest board, but in real life.